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Advantage Flea Treatment 10-25Kg Dog 6 Pack

Advantage Flea Treatment 10-25Kg Dog 6 Pack

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Advantage (red) for medium dogs is a safe and effective spot-on treatment for the control of fleas a nd biting lice for your dog, containing IMIDACLOPRID as the active ingredient. An easy and convenien t once monthly application will produce long lasting results on your dog for up to a month.ÿ Advanta ge is rapid acting; fleas stop biting in 5 minutes and are dead in 20 minutes.ÿ Advantage provides e ffective control of fleas and lice; it prevents the development of flea larvae and kills re-infestat ions with new adult fleas for up to one month after treatment, and larval flea stages are killed in the surroundings of treated pets. Advantage is safe for both you and your pets it is non-staining, non-sticky and has no strong chemical smell, and is suitable for puppies and kittens from weaning. Advantage is water fast so pets can swim, be shampooed or play in the rain without affecting treatme nt. U

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